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June 9, 2011

Cutting back the carbs!

So don't get me wrong, I think every healthy lifestyle contains a healthy dose of whole grains and carbohydrates. But if you, like me, dream of bread, pasta, cookies and cupcakes; a little moderation may be in order.

So when slogging through days of tuna salad and chicken breast with broccoli gets a tad  extremely boring, give in to your dreams of burgers and pasta with my knockoffs. And just like your fake Coach purse, they may not be the same as the real deal, but they come pretty close!

My personal favourite is the pasta that grows in your garden - spaghetti squash. It is easy to cook, just slice, scoop and bake! Then the filling scrapes out into dreamy spaghetti strands, just begging to be topped with your favourite pasta sauce!

My other recent discovery is to swap out your burger bun with a portobello mushroom sliced in half. It looks just like a bun, has a great texture and is much more satisfying than 2 soggy lettuce leaves!


1 comment:

  1. I can totally vouch for the spaghetti squash and pasta sauce. This dish is a total fav of mine. Now if only I could get Emily and Dane to eat it!
    - Robin
